The Real Secret To Squashing Fear
Fear – we all have it.
What do you do when you are tasked to do something that scares you? Do you run? Do you procrastinate? Do you tell yourself it’s not for you?
We run into complacency and mediocrity when we let fear control us and the decisions we make. We stop growing. We stop moving.
In this episode, I talk about fear and what the real strategy for facing it is.
Let’s jump in!
The Real Secret To Squashing Fear
Since we’re talking about facing your fears, I’ve included my 90-Day Action Planner.
After going through this episode, I know you are going to be pumped to take some action. Creating a plan is essential to reaching your goals and achieving your dreams. This planner will help you lay out a step-by-step plan and take consistent action.
So, go ahead and grab my free planner by clicking the teal button above.
Now let’s find out how to start building the life of your dreams!
The Real Secret To Squashing Fear
The thing about fear is, we all have it. Since forever, and even now, fear holds me back from doing the things that could potentially propel me forward.
I am not at all where I want to be in this life, and I think about all the things that I didn’t do because I was afraid of failure or looking dumb.
I remember sitting in the high school auditorium, right before my freshman year, going through the course book and picking out the classes I was going to take that year. I wanted to take an art class but everyone around me told me they had heard it was so hard and that I shouldn’t do it.
And so, I didn’t because I didn’t want to fail. I immediately heard what they said and decided I wasn’t good enough to succeed in that class and I better just not even try.
Finally, in my junior year, I was picking classes again and I didn’t know what else to take because nothing else spoke to me. So, with those voices long behind me, I just said, “F it!” and signed up.
I absolutely loved that class! I sold a drawing. I won a billboard competition. It was my favorite class the last 2 years of school.
Where could I have ended up if I didn’t listen to those other people? How much more would I have enjoyed if I had taken art class all 4 years? How could that have potentially led me to make different choices in my life?
The fact is that I faced my fear and I excelled! Who is to say that wouldn’t happen every single time you chose to face your fear and act anyway?
Fear is a liar.
Fear does not see into the future. It does not account for our own unseen talents or autocorrect for your limiting beliefs. It is just there to keep us “safe” from the unknown.
Fear used to literally save lives on the regular! And sometimes it still does. But mostly it just doesn’t serve us anymore.
The thing is, fear doesn’t just go away.
There will never be a time when you suddenly feel confident and secure and the fear leaves you. It might ease after continued, repeated action but most certainly not before.
So, if you are afraid to take that next step. If you are afraid to try that new thing. If you are afraid you will fail, or suck, or people will judge you – So what. Why are you letting that stop you?
Feel the fear and then do it anyway.
There is no magic trick or special thing you can do to get rid of the fear. It’s learning to let that fear fuel you. It’s taking action regardless of the feelings you have.
So, here’s your homework assignment:
Your homework is to take action!
Once you’re done, let me know in the comments what you did and how you feel! I want to celebrate you!
In Closing
Fear is never going to leave you. When you are faced with a new and scary task, you will always have the urge to run in the opposite direction.
The real secret to squashing fear is that you will never be able to actually squash it!
The real secret is changing your response to fear. When you feel that fear, keep going. Keep pushing. Run directly into it.
The more repeated, consistent action you take, the less scary it will be and the further you can move the needle in your life.
So, if you are ready to start taking consistent action in the face of your fears, I know you will want to get my 90-Day Action Planner. Breaking your big, scary goals into smaller, manageable pieces will help you create momentum in the quest for your dreams.
So, go ahead and grab my free planner now by clicking the teal button above.
Resources That May Help You
Fear Is Not the Boss of You (Book) - Learn More
This book was a powerful reality check that helped me take the next steps in my business. Her faith-based opinions and ideals were exactly what I needed to hear at the time and I strongly encourage anyone looking for inspiration and movement in their life to check it out.